Hawaii Pet Import and Quarantine Requirements

Hawaii Pet Import and Quarantine Requirements

Hawaii is rabies-free, and the state has strict quarantine laws to prevent the introduction of rabies. Pet owners bringing dogs or cats to Hawaii must follow specific requirements to qualify for programs like Direct Airport Release (DAR) or the 5 Day or Less Quarantine.

Key Points:

  1. Rabies Vaccinations & Testing:
    • Pets must have two rabies vaccinations at least 30 days apart, with the most recent vaccination no less than 30 days before arrival.
    • A passing OIE-FAVN rabies antibody test is required, with results received by the Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) at least 30 days before arrival. Processing times may take 1-2 months.
  2. Programs and Fees:
    • Direct Airport Release (DAR) in Honolulu: $185 if documents are submitted 10 days before arrival, or $244 if not.
    • 5 Day or Less Quarantine: $244.
    • Neighbor Island Inspection Permit (NIIP) for Kona, Kahului, or Līhu‘e: $165. NIIP requires prior reservations with approved veterinary facilities.
  3. Checklist for Document Submission (30+ days before arrival):
    • Completed Dog & Cat Import Form (AQS-279).
    • Rabies vaccination certificates.
    • Payment (cashier’s check/money order payable to Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture).
    • Flight details and a letter requesting DAR/NIIP.
    • Confirmation from an approved veterinary facility for neighbor island inspections.
  4. Inspection Hours and Late Arrivals:
    • Inspections at Honolulu Airport (HNL) are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily. Pets arriving after 4:30 p.m. may be held overnight, incurring additional fees.
  5. Neighbor Island Arrivals:
    • NIIP is mandatory for direct flights to Kona, Kahului, or Līhu‘e. Approved veterinary facilities must inspect pets upon arrival. Owners must arrange reservations well in advance.
  6. Prohibited Breeds & Special Cases:
    • Certain hybrid breeds (e.g., wolf hybrids) are not allowed.
    • Puppies and kittens under 6 months old generally cannot meet the 5 Day or Less requirements and will undergo 120-day quarantine.
  7. Pets from Rabies-Free Areas:
    • Pets from the British Isles, Australia, Guam, and New Zealand have simplified procedures but must still meet import rules.
  8. Additional Information:
    • Owners must handle transporting pets in crates upon release.
    • Misrepresentation of service animals is a legal violation with penalties.
    • Contact AQS via email at rabiesfree@hawaii.gov for questions.


  • Begin preparations months in advance.
  • Ensure all paperwork is complete and submitted early to avoid delays and extra costs.
  • Use the Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s website to check FAVN test results or additional updates.

Following these steps will ensure a smoother process for bringing pets to Hawaii while avoiding quarantine delays.